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Judo set to begin for 2010 !!!

The regular season of judo begins Wednesday September 8, 2010 in the Almonte Curling Lounge. This will be our temporary home until renovations are completed in the Almonte Arena Upper Hall. Expected move date is October 6, 2010, or possibly earlier.

Look for our posters around town, our ad in the September issue of  ‘the humm’, and our booth at Mississippi Mills at a Glance. M.Mills at a Glance will be held Wednesday September 8 at the Town Hall in Almonte – yes, the same night as ou regular season begins. We hope to see you at either or both locations!!!

Update:  With the renovations to the Upper Hall complete, the Club moved it’s classes back to the newly revamped dojo on Wed. October 13, 2010. We now enjoy new washroom facilities, new elevator access, a new entrance and set of doors, an expanded storage area, and improved acoustics throughout the Hall. The ‘black box’ formerly used to store our judo mats was dismantled and used in the construction of two new carts. The carts are used to transport mats during the set-up and tear-down each week and significantly reduce the physical effort. Both carts fit comfortably in the secure new storage area. One of the newly constructed carts is pictured below.

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